Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The new kind of assessments


Education is a function of society, but like any function there are transformations that can occur.  Reflecting back on the history of education from a one size fits all single classroom and only one correct way to solve a problem, we now understand education is fluid and requires adaptation. Take assessments for instance, or more specifically, objective assessments where there was only one correct answer.  Students often provided that singular answer in a rote manner. 

An answer was an answer and there was no defending the answer. If the student was able to produce this single artifact, then they were considered successful.  Here is a video often shared at the beginning of the school year:

What are our children learning by answering a multiple choice test?  Teachers laugh at this video on how ridiculous this is and yet this is still common place for many classrooms.  Students should be place in single rows, take notes, and pass a test; next unit, same thing.  When are students going to learn to be independent thinkers and problem solvers?

So, remember those transformations from earlier?  Well, transformations can start with a few people, a few ideas, and a few tools.  The people are teachers willing to step outside and away from a book driven curriculum.  The ideas are based on interaction and collaboration where students learn to work in teams and have multiple approaches to problem solving.  The tools are technology, which brings concepts to life with information, interactive simulations, and countless ways to communicate and create artifacts to show success. 

ways to communicate and create artifacts to show success.
Education is exciting.  Education is innovative.  Today, with the help of technology students are interacting with content and producing multiple check points for assessment.  Software helps teachers’ identity struggling students and cross references this to interventions.  Of course, the teacher is still the manager, but now there are better tools to help students learn.
Education is exciting.  Education is innovative.  Today, with the help of technology students are interacting with content and producing multiple check points for assessment.  Software helps teacher’s identify struggling students and cross references this with interventions. Differentiating instruction is available with the click of mouse. Of course, the teacher is still the manager, but now there are better tools to help students learn. Classrooms are now noisy; teaching is messy; learning is invigorating!

I consider assessments as an ongoing intricate art of daily teaching.  Teachers are constantly assessing.  When students don’t know they are being assessed, are some of the best moments…just listening to their how and why…their logic…their intuition. Technology has allowed teachers access to alternative lenses in which to view their student’s attitudes, beliefs, and performances on unlimited topics.  Students have a personalized platform to produce creative thought provoking materials not previously available because of technology and teachers who want more for their students. 
Thanks Technology!